Our company stands on the foundation of education, a pillar of EuroBeauty's creation.
Discover Training was created to facilitate the newest, and latest proceedures, products, systems and techniques.
As estheticians, we know the importance of honing professional skills, techniques and expanding the knowledge base of the industry we love.
We believe that all inspired beauty professionals should have access to high-quality training, and educators.
Click any of the course names below for further information and to register online, or give us a call if you have any questions.
We're here to assist you with your education. It's an investment in you!
Ready to Register for one of our training session? Need a few questions answered before signing up?
The Discover Training Department is here to help.
Contact Us
Call: 902-454-3820
To Register for a Session
Online Eurobeauty.ca |
Phone 902-454-3820 |
We require:
We require:
Course Payments
- A $50 deposit is required at the time of registration to reserve your seat.
- You will be contacted directly to confirm your method of payment for your registered session.
- Payments can be processed via any major credit card, e-transfer, debit or cash (in-store)
- Once a session has been paid, a professional must give 10 days notice prior to a scheduled class to cancel a seat and recieve a full refund.
- Cancelling a paid session with less than 10 days notice prior to the scheduled class will results in a forfiet of 50% the total class cost.
- Failure to attend a paid session without notice will result in forfiet of entire class cost.
- If there are any questions, please feel free to contact us directly.